How COVID-19 Affects Our Operations

gas-elec group supports the NHS Covid 19 track and trace app. CLICK HERE to download.

January 2021

COVID 19 – National Lockdown update from gas-elec Group

Following last nights announcement we would like to reassure our clients that as a national essential services provider, keeping people safe, whilst doing everything we can to help keep homes running smoothly, continues to be our top priority.

As we have done so previously, during the national lockdown we will continue to deliver our best endeavours on completing testing and repair services for all instructions.

We are particularly mindful that more people will be staying at home during these times and relying on their heating, hot water and electricity supply we would ask all our agents and landlords to work with us and their tenants to ensure that our engineers are allowed access.

If we are refused access when trying to book an inspection, we will update you immediately. If our engineer is refused access on the day of the inspection, we will photograph the property as proof of visit.

Best regards and please stay safe,

Nick Morton
Managing Director

December 2020

A message for everyone

We thank all of our customers for their continued understanding and support throughout 2020.

We look forward to working with you all in 2021, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

gas-elec group supports the NHS Covid 19 track and trace app.

November 2020

The Government has announced new National Restrictions from 5th November 2020

With the new lockdown legislation due to start on the 5th November, Gas-Elec’s number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of both our customers, tenants and our staff and providing a safe environment for all.

We will once again remain well informed of the developing situation and follow the advice and recommendations from the Government.

Due to the circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic we have taken the decision to introduce a number of working method statements for our engineers, customer services staff and support staff.

We will be adopting a ‘Business as usual’ attitude, as we understand the importance and our legal obligation in ensuring tenants properties are safe to inhabit from a gas and electrical perspective.

We will continue to make sure we deliver best endeavours on completing gas and electrical safety inspections for all instructions.

We would ask all our agents and landlords to encourage their less vulnerable tenants to allow us access to carry out the inspection. A number of our agents are communicating with tenants directly to ask them where possible to allow access to our engineers.

If we are refused access when trying to book in an inspection, we will update you immediately. If our engineer is refused access on the day of the inspection, we will photograph the property as proof of visit.

Please do refer to the Government website for the latest business guidance for yourself and your networks by CLICKING HERE

This is very much a moving target, and we will be staying informed and reacting to the changing situation. We will keep you informed on any updates.

We would like to thank you all for your support in this challenging time.

October 2020

As an essential services provider, keeping people safe, whilst doing everything we can to help homes keep running smoothly, continues to be our top priority.

We’re keeping an eye on local lockdown restrictions and will continue to deliver best endeavours on completing testing and repair services for all instructions.

We are particularly mindful that more people will be staying at home during these times and relying on their heating, hot water and electricity supply and with the winter months approaching we would ask all our agents and landlords to work with us and their tenants to ensure that our engineers are allowed access.

If we are refused access when trying to book an inspection, we will update you immediately. If our engineer is refused access on the day of the inspection, we will photograph the property as proof of visit.

gas-elec group supports the NHS Covid 19 track and trace app.

September 2020

The recent announcements from the Government have been a clear reminder that COVID-19 is still very present in our lives and that we must all stay focused on limiting the spread as much as we can. We know that safety remains a key priority for our customers and we want to reassure you that we will continue to do all we can to keep you and our engineers safe.

When an engineer visits your property there are several precautions he/she will take to keep you safe and prevent further spread of the virus.

Each engineer has been instructed to use face masks and hand sanitiser whether visiting agents offices or working in our customers’ homes. They will wash their hands whenever possible and use protective gloves in line with government guidelines.

We also ask that tenants and house owners maintain social distancing during the engineers visit and support us in our efforts in beating this virus.

Every engineer has one objective when they visit you – to keep you safe. In our new normal that means ensuring your home is both gas safe or electrically compliant and now COVid 19 free.

Our company directors, managers and employees are all committed to working in a COVID secure environment whether it is your home or the offices in which you or we work.

As the R number fluctuates in communities and local lockdowns are imposed and lifted, gas-elec will no doubt need to modify its method statement from time to time. The latest version can be found by clicking on View Our Method Statement button at the top of this page.

gas-elec group supports the NHS Covid 19 track and trace app.

June 2020

Gas-Elec group have carefully considered the Governments tactical position regarding coronavirus. Their strategy is to slow down the virus and allow a natural immunity to develop within the population, whilst protecting the vulnerable and elderly, and not shutting down the economy. So we carry on, we are not being encouraged to close our businesses.

We are committed to the health and wellbeing of our Staff and Customers and will review best practice daily.

We are rigorously implementing the highest standards of transmission prevention throughout our business including regular hand sanitisation.

Every member of our Staff have committed to wash their hands thoroughly at least every 2 hours and to try to avoid touching their face.

No hand shaking or physical contact with Clients or visitors

Anyone with the faintest symptoms to self-isolate in line with current government policy.

Whenever possible, keep a minimum of 2 metres from all people, as recommended by the Government.

Meetings will be kept to a minimum and where possible, conferences calls will be used.

Engineers will use protective gloves and respect the wishes of tenants and homeowners.

In offices, surfaces and equipment will be cleaned every day, to prevent the potential spread of the virus

The management team will continue to monitor the advice given by the government and take immediate action if that advice changes

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